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My Story

I was that person who “never knew what she wanted to do”.  I was stuck in a place where my brain logically told me to choose the safe and certain path where as my heart told me that I needed to follow my creative dreams.

I worked at a biotech company for 5 years … knowing the entire time that that was not what I wanted to do forever.  For the time being, though, that job was “safe”-it paid the bills, it sounded “smart”, and it made me a success in the eyes of my family.

The problem was, part of me always felt like I was wasting my time because I was putting my life, my dreams, on hold to pursue what was “safe” but what meant nothing to me.

So, what do I want out of life?  I want to feel like I’m accomplishing my goals - not other people’s goals. I want to live everyday pursuing the things that excite me.  I want to stop living a “safe” life and start living a happy life.

Where am I now? I’m living on the California coast, pursuing my dream career as an Artist.  I’m planning my own schedule, making the time to meet with my family and friends, take care of myself, and travel the world.  Life has turned upside down… it’s now awesome!

The Mission of my company is to inspire others to follow their own dreams and find their road to happiness. 

If you decide to purchase my art, I hope that these paintings remind you to be courageous, follow your passions, and achieve what matters most to you.